Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crock-Pot Pulled Pork

Here is our recipe for easy, Pulled Pork Barbecue in the crock pot. It's not very exact, but I tend to be a "that looks about right" kind of cook! Crock pots are very forgiving, anyway...

One pork roast
1/2-1 cup orange juice
(amount depends on the size of the roast) 
2 big pinches of salt
4 big pinches black pepper
1/2-1 cup barbecue sauce
(again, depends on size of roast)
Place roast in crock pot, pour juice over then salt and pepper
cook on low heat 6-8 hrs
pull meat apart with forks, pour in sauce and serve

I made this Saturday because we had a BIG honey-do day, and dinner tends to sneak up on me when we get busy. I served it on home-baked bread I made and fried red-skin potatoes. Yum! This leaves enough for 3 big, hungry adults plus leftovers with a medium sized roast.

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