Mojo has grown out of her diapers, and my sewing machine, ancient and battered before I ever got it from Freecycle to begin with, is in too bad of shape to use. Luckily for me, my awesome neighbor Sarah is a seamstress and starting her own sewing and alterations business. I took all the parts and pieces of the diapers over to her and the first one was sent over, hot off her sewing machine, via Jiji just moments ago. Here it is, in all it's Punk Rock glory!
Is that the cutest thing EVAR or what? So, I wanted to share the cuteness, and the awesomeness of Sarah for making them for me on short notice. Just in case you need some sewing awesomeness for yourself, check out Sarah Jane's Studio on Facebook and her brand new Esty site. She makes Hemp jewelry, clothes for kids and adults (I especially LOVE her refashioned kids clothes, pics on her FB page) bags, bunny slippers, and just random cool stuff. I know Mojo will have this at her upcoming 1st birthday party.

So stop by if you have a minute and take a look. She does great work and is a way cool WAHM!
1 comment:
Mojo is soooo cute! I love her red hair. And that dipe is a-freakin'-dorable :) I will totally be swinging by her Etsy shop!
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