Thursday, April 1, 2010

Reiki Thursday

Welcome back to Reiki Thursday!
I have not been posting a list, because I want us all to focus on ourselves for a bit.  You all know those who need healing and prayer, and you may be needing it yourself.  We all need a recharge, a reminder that we are important, valuable, and loved.  For a while now I have been running myself too thin, and have recently been re-focusing myself to spend a little time on myself.  My family deserves for me to be my best, and I deserve just as much time and energy as I give my family, and so do you! I hope you did the meditation last week, if not go check it out, and I hope you take the few minutes to do the one I am posting this week. Once you are relaxed, positive, and grateful that is what you are putting out into the world!

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